Episode 75: Aaron Jay, Owner and Managing Director at Hortus

Episode 75 of The Icehouse podcast, hosted by Gareth Bayliss, is with Aaron Jay, Owner Manager Programme 27 Alumni and Owner and Managing Director of Hortus.
Hortus is a viticulture and horticulture company delivering expectational services in labour, machinery and management. They are industry leaders, going above and beyond with a deep sense of purpose running through everything they do. In short, they care and are “here to change lives”.
Aaron opens up about his experience on the Owner Manager Programme and how he felt like an imposter going into the programme, very quickly realising “I could relate to these people, better than most, because they genuinely knew what I was going through”.
Aaron explains Hortus’ deep sense of purpose and impact, their growth, focus on developing their people to build a strong business, putting their leaders on The Icehouse Leadership Development Programme and the benefits that continual accountability and community can have.
He gives great advice to business owners right now, “My two pieces of advice - learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable and you have got to be consciously selfish to be sustainably generous”.
Have a listen and let us know what you think! Any questions? Contact us at grow@theicehouse.co.nz
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