Harrison Levien is an agent at BYL Livestock and a Sales Skills Workshop attendee.
This Kiwi Business Story is based on a podcast from 20 April 2023, and all figures quoted are from that time. You can enjoy the complete podcast here.
Tell us about BYL Livestock?
BYL is a predominantly Waikato-based company, but we operate nationwide. My area is in the South Waikato, and I'm based in Rotorua. We're almost like a real estate agent for sheep and cattle. We specialise in the selling of beef and dairy livestock, so we're sort of servicing everything to do with that business and that farm.
At the end of the day, I'm just essentially trying to help people. It’s about getting around and helping people and developing that. I've always had a passion for farming. The biggest thing for me is understanding a bit more – that's what's motivating me.
Being new to sales (Harrison joined BYL Livestock in 2021), I sort of pondered the idea to my general manager and the director of the company, Jimmy (O’Hearn) and Bryce (Young), that I'd be open to doing a sales course, just to hone my skills. Bryce went on The Icehouse Owner Manager Programme and Jimmy went through the Leadership Development Programme – they had both got a lot out of the experience, so that was how it started.
Tell us about your cohort?
There were some similar and quite varying roles on the workshop, which was quite good. However, you think that there's a big difference in what you're doing but essentially, at the end of the day, it's not a massive difference in what you're trying to achieve – depending on what you're facilitating and whatever business you're in.
Were there any key takeaways?
The big one for me is what’s known as a call plan. Whether on the phone to clients or meeting them in person, it just radiates a point on how important it is. We had one prior to going to this course, but now it’s about having that plan and learning it, so you're going to be asking the right questions and not going to miss out on something.
Are there any challenges in your role?
I'm still quite new to the industry. So, my biggest challenge is developing my niche in the role… trying to get people to call me and stomping my mark in my area.
What excites you about the year ahead and within your role?
I'm passionate about the outdoors, definitely passionate about the role I’m in – about the agriculture and farming side of things. I'm still in my growth stage, and that's quite exciting. One of the biggest things that also excites me is that I can still keep going. You know, you're always constantly learning… there's not many people that know everything.