The Icehouse Product Focus: Owner Manager Programme (OMP)

The Icehouse hosted a webinar, presented by Gareth Bayliss and Community Manager, Bryar Stewart, focusing on The Icehouse flagship product, Owner Manager Programme.
The webinar highlights what our Owner Manager Programme involves, who the programme is for, who facilitates OMP, community benefits and more.
The programme in a nut-shell? Real skills. Development. New opportunities. A challenge. Refreshed perspective. Significant changes. Better results.
On this residential programme you’ll attend sessions over the course of five months to help you explore new ideas, have your assumptions challenged, and develop new skills to give you the confidence to drive progress and achieve better results for you and your business.
We’ve combined the best in academic teaching and practical learning to develop a unique experience which has a big impact.
For more content, check out The Icehouse Webinar Series.