The Icehouse Webinars

Fueling Your Business (Selling In A Tough Market)

Written by Kevin D Ambros-Smith | Jun 3, 2020 1:27:29 AM

The marketplace is rapidly changing. Now more than ever before it is important that you convert leads into loyal customers.


In this webinar, Kevin will talk about:

  • Generating leads in a tough market
  • Turning leads into sales
  • Turning customers into loyal customers
  • How loyal customers can help you attract new customers

Bio: Kevin has worked at advertising agencies DDB, Ogilvy and Saatchi & Saatchi and helped grow the businesses of major clients like Telecom (Spark), Lion Breweries, Unilever, NZI, GSK and McDonald’s.

He has also started multiple businesses - competing directly against much larger, wealthier and better resourced competitors; and successfully grown these into multi-million dollar businesses.


Notes and Slides: Download