Hear from and engage with several Chartered Accountants in a session designed for you to workout...
The Icehouse,
Chartered Accountant,
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand,
Malloch McClean,
John Schol
Effective Business Planning, with John Schol, CEO of Malloch McClean
< 1
min. read

What do you want to achieve in life? Whatever it is, your business is a vehicle towards those goals.
This webinar on effective business planning aims to prevent people from being in business for years before thinking about where they are heading and how they are getting there.
Join John Schol, CEO of Malloch McClean and Chartered Accountant as he shares insights into effective business planning and how to get ahead faster.
Webinar in partnership with Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.
Webinar Series - https://www.theicehouse.co.nz/webinars