Leadership is a great privilege and especially mission critical currently. In this quick look at leadership Amanda will explore some principles that will help grow your influence and effectiveness - from the inside out.
What will be covered:
- 20th and 21st Century Leadership - What's the difference and what new skills do we need?
- Essential Principles for effective Leadership and Teamwork - These work in all situations.
- The No1 communication strategy that can change everything! - Hint, you are already using it.
Bio: Amanda Fleming is a 'presenter at large', who creates and presents popular and very effective training programmes in both corporate and public environments in New Zealand and Australia.
In addition, Amanda offers conference keynote addresses and workshops which are designed to inject a 'hit' of zest and inspiration to corporate events. Amanda's style is interactive, and she will engage the audience in active discussion and participation in even short presentations. She is passionate about learning and the empowerment of others and believes in the inherent brilliance in every individual. In short, Amanda strives to enable others to understand possibility and responsibility in a 'true' sense. She uses applied compassion, consciousness, healthy communication, and a commitment to lifelong learning, as keys to success.
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