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AJ & Rachel McKean: Leaving a legacy through business | Icehouse Podcast E174
Episode 174 of The Icehouse Podcast, hosted by Bryar Stewart, is with AJ and Rachel McKean, Owners of Synergy Technologies and Owner Manager Programme Alumni. A husband and wife duo committed to...
Kenina Court: Building Intergenerational Wealth | A Seat at the Table E25
Episode 25 of A Seat At The Table is with guest, Kenina Court, Chief Pathfinder at Pathfinder Solutions. Kenina has a passion for building intergenerational wealth. She helps people achieve their...
A Seat At The Table: Episode 24 - Bindi Norwell, CEO of ProCare
Episode 24 of A Seat At The Table is with guest, Bindi Norwell, CEO of ProCare. Bindi is inspired by her team, the power of technology, women in leadership and diverse governance.
AJ & Rachel McKean: Leaving a legacy through business | Icehouse Podcast E174
Kenina Court: Building Intergenerational Wealth | A Seat at the Table E25
A Seat At The Table: Episode 24 - Bindi Norwell, CEO of ProCare
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