Episode 56: Trudi Duncan - Hosted by Bryar Stewart

Episode 56 of The Icehouse podcast, hosted by Bryar Stewart, is with Trudi Duncan. Trudi is the Managing Director and Business Owner at family company, Gyro Plastics. Trudi is currently on our Owner Manager Programme 53.
Trudi is a passionate owner who discusses her journey and the balance of life, family and business. She speaks authentically about her journey to discovering a healthy balance. Trudi decided to bring her youngest to the Owner Manager Programme session, getting support from alumni babysitting company, Rockmybaby, allowing her to be present on the programme and engage in upskilling herself as a business owner.
Trudi speaks on the business's growth and what she is getting out of the programme; including new friends, a sense of community and learning to work on the business, not in it. She also discusses how she is looking after her staff in a season on uncertainty and what excites her most about the future.
Have a listen and let us know what you think! Any questions? Contact us at grow@theicehouse.co.nz
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