Episode 87 of The Icehouse podcast, hosted by Bryar Stewart, is with Brett Roberts, Managing...
Episode 39: Peter Thomson - Hosted by Bryar Stewart
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Episode 39 of The Icehouse podcast, hosted by Bryar Stewart, is with Peter Thomson, Chief Technology Officer at The Icehouse.
Peter walks us through his career to date, what excites him most about the opportunities in technology at The Icehouse, the most challenging aspects of his role, advice for business owners looking to improve their technology, his learnings from 2020 and much more!
Peter gives in-depth insight into digital transformation and opportunities for business owners to win off the back of covid and in a digital world.
Have a listen and let us know what you think! Any questions? Contact us at grow@theicehouse.co.nz
Check out our Podcast Series which is also on Spotify.