Episode 2 - Kiwi Business Podcast: Rod Oram

Welcome to the Kiwi Business Podcast: Thought Leadership & The Bigger Picture, a monthly podcast hosted by Gavin Lennox, Group CEO at The Icehouse.
Gavin interviews business leaders, CEOs, executives and experts to discuss the New Zealand business landscape with a thought leadership angle, highlighting the bigger picture of New Zealand business and the economy.
A new episode is released on the third Wednesday of each month with the intention of supporting NZ business owners and leaders to think bigger, learn and use knowledge as strength.
This month's episode, episode 2 of the series, is with Rod Oram, Advocate for The Environment and Business and a New Zealand Journalist.
Climate Change has far-reaching impacts - not just on business, but on our very existence on this planet. It may seem distant to business owners but once you gain understanding and practical tips, everyone can be a part of the solution. Road Oram is a long-time supporter of The Icehouse and an advocate for the environment and business. He is currently in Glasgow at the COP26 Conference, what has been deemed as “The last, best chance” for humanity to address the climate crisis before it’s too late.
Rod speaks optimistically about the future, where we are heading and what we can do as business owners and leaders to adapt and make a difference.
The key takeaways from the podcast are:
#1: There is a sense of optimism. Investment opportunities are arising for those businesses supporting climate change initiatives, highlighting a growing trend
#2: It’s important for all businesses to set goals, especially those in agriculture when it comes to climate change
#3: Every business needs to think about how they work with nature, instead of working against it
Have a listen and let us know what you think! Any questions? Contact us at grow@theicehouse.co.nz
Check out our Podcast Series which is also on Spotify.