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Episode 172 of The Icehouse Podcast: Nate Alley, Managing Director at Sentinel Homes Waikato

Episode 172 of The Icehouse Podcast: Nate Alley, Managing Director at Sentinel Homes Waikato

Episode 172 of The Icehouse Podcast, hosted by Bryar Stewart, is with Nate Alley, Managing Director at Sentinel Homes Waikato and Owner Manager Programme Alumni. A builder turned business owner passionate about work-life balance, team culture, leadership and working hard to smash goals and make a difference. We discuss:

  • His journey from builder to business owner and what inspired him to take the leap
  • Challenges and opportunities within the construction industry today and his insight into what the government could do to help right now
  • Creating a culture of investment in people and how he outworks this at Sentinel Homes Waikato
  • How implementing the Netflix feedback model has helped the team and himself see feedback as a gift and foster courageous conversations
  • The hesitations he had before going on the Owner Manager Programme and why it was worth taking the leap
  • His key takeaways – including knowing his numbers and backing himself as a leader

+ Much more!


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