Episode 130 of The Icehouse Podcast, hosted by Bryar Stewart, is with Craig Neal, Business Coach...
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Episode 153 of The Icehouse Podcast, hosted by Bryar Stewart, is with Andrew Martin (Marty), Business Coach at The Icehouse and Regional Director of Strategic Specialists Group. Marty has also been a guest speaker at The Icehouse and BNZ events across New Zealand this year, speaking on Exit Planning/Succession and Growth Funding.
This conversation unpacks;
- Marty’s career journey and experience with SMEs
- The joy he gets when seeing a strategy come to life and executed
- The effort in making a business ‘exit ready’ and the need for a long-term view
- A reminder exiting is not just a business decision - 75% of owners regret the sale of the business a year later, because they haven’t thought about life after
- Key indicators for owners to start thinking about exit planning
- Family business and empowering the different generations in succession
- How to make your business transferrable
- Takeaways from attendees of recent events, real life stories of exit planning and succession
Have a listen and let us know what you think! Any questions? Contact us at grow@theicehouse.co.nz
Check out our Podcast Series which is also on Spotify .