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Episode 142: Brett Fitzgerald, Co-Founder of Abeille Candles

Episode 142: Brett Fitzgerald, Co-Founder of Abeille Candles

Episode 142 of The Icehouse Podcast, hosted by Bryar Stewart, is with Brett Fitzgerald, Co-Founder of Abeille Candles and Coaching Alumni. Brett has always been interested in the world of business. He is learning a lot about crafting a quality business, showcasing it to the world and the power of self-development. 

This conversation with Brett unpacks;

  • His journey to starting Abeille Candles
  • The learnings and need to test, trial, fail and work hard
  • Discovering local coaches and business leaders in New Zealand, rather than looking overseas
  • The self-development journey and pushing the ego aside to learn from others
  • The practical takeaways from coaching with Kevin D’Ambros-Smith, including the idea to re-brand and move beyond e-commerce only
  • The dynamics of working with a small team
  • What interests him in the world of business
  • The goal to bring New Zealand product to the world
and much more!

Have a listen and let us know what you think! Any questions? Contact us at

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