Episode 78 of The Icehouse podcast, hosted by Bryar Stewart, is with Rachel Williams, Owner Manager...
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Episode 138 of The Icehouse Podcast, hosted by Bryar Stewart, is with Rewa Willis, Co-Founder and Director of Sherson Willis - trusted advisors and leaders in corporate affairs, based in Auckland.
This conversation with Rewa covers;
- Rewa’s formative years and passion for her Māori culture and worldview
- How this reconnection is shaping her life, and helping her understand herself better
- Her experience in PR, communications and corporate affairs
- How Rewa and her business partner Trish started the business 17 years ago
- What Sherson Willis offers and how that offering was developed
- Her biggest growth coming from the hardest moments
- Her experience on the Owner Manager Programme (OMP)
- How OMP sparked fresh passion in her business
- The Te Puni Kōkiri scholarship and what this opportunity unlocked
- How Rewa dealt with Imposter Syndrome on the programme
- The power of community and the programme cohort
Have a listen and let us know what you think! Any questions? Contact us at grow@theicehouse.co.nz
Check out our Podcast Series which is also on Spotify.