Episode 12 of A Seat At The Table was a live podcast recording, with guest Natalie Ferguson. Natalie is the co-founder of Hatch and more recently, the co-founder of Powrsuit - a platform that exists to get more women into positions of power and influence, to equip others with the tools and confidence to succeed on their terms.
Thank you to the live audience that experienced this courageous conversation in-person, to celebrate International Women’s Day. Natalie was so down to earth, inspiring, confident and passionate about the power of women.
Natalie Ferguson, co-founder of Powrsuit, co-founder of Hatch, Entrepreneur and leader
Available now through listening platforms, Spotify, YouTube and The Icehouse’s social media channels.
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If you want to get in touch with our hosts, provide feedback, inspiration, guest ideas or more, contact Bryar Stewart at grow@theicehouse.co.nz