Michaela Vodanovich
Hawkes Bay
I specialise in
- Business Development
- Business Strategy
- Operations Management
- Organisation Structure
- Productivity
- HR & Recruitment
- Mergers and Aquisitions
- Sales and New Business Plans
- Recruitment and People Development
- Margin Improvement
My background is corporate leadership, General Management roles in distribution, manufacturing and construction. I moved from Auckland 14 years ago to Hawke's Bay with my husband Mike. The last ten years I have been working with SME owners and leaders. I own two businesses - my consulting business and a furniture manufacturing business that is run by my business partner and husband. I like to work with business owners and leaders who know what they want but don't know how to get there or even how to articulate it. My coaching focuses on my clients personal aspirations (the life they want to live) with their vision for the business. My job is to help and support them to achieve both. My strengths are strategy, leadership, financials, risk management, pricing, go to market strategy and HR. I direct and facilitate the Icehouse Owner Operator Program and Effective Leadership Program in HB. I am privileged to work with really great clients in HB and enjoy seeing, how what they do, positively impacts our community, regional culture and local economy.
I have previously worked with
- Laser Electrical & Plumbing
- Giblin Group
- East Bay Finance
- Hastings Health Centre
- ABC Software
I have experience working in
- New Zealand
Michaela Vodanovich
Hawkes Bay
Specialises In
- Business Development
- Business Strategy
- Operations Management
- Organisation Structure
- Productivity
- HR & Recruitment
- Mergers and Aquisitions
- Sales and New Business Plans
- Recruitment and People Development
- Margin Improvement
I can work in these locations
- Hawkes Bay
I have industry experience with
I can work with you
- In person & online
I can make the most impact on businesses with annual revenue currently
- $1,000,000 - $2,999,999
- $3,000,000 - $4,999,999
- $5,000,000 - $9,999,999
- $10,000,000 +
Let's chat about working with
Michaela Vodanovich
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Michaela Vodanovich

Michaela Vodanovich is the latest coach to appear in the Icehouse spotlight. Michaela is the East Coast Regional Manager for The Icehouse and works.

The Icehouse hosted a webinar, presented by Michaela Vodanovich, The Icehouse East Coast Regional Manager, and Bryar Stewart, Community Manager,.