The International Centre for Entrepreneurship (ICE) Foundation was established in 2001 for the purpose of advancing education to benefit the New Zealand economy and its communities.
2017 Donation Announcement
The ICE Foundation is proud to support entrepreneurship education and business growth in tertiary and related environments in 2017 with significant donations.
The ICE Foundation has confirmed total donations of $93,000 to support the University of Auckland Business School Activities, including;
- $43,000 for research and support to assess change in entrepreneurial mindset and skills arising from co curricular entrepreneurial activities.;
- $30,000 to address the difference the Velocity programme makes to the opportunity for attending students to gain employment and to earn higher remuneration versus the students who do not take the programme.
- awarding businesses scholarships on The Icehouse’s Owner Manager Programme valued at $20,000.
Additionally, in 2017, the ICE Foundation has donated $35,000 to two charities who provide business and entrepreneurial programmes in NZ secondary and primary schools;
- $25,000 to upskill and support secondary school Business Studies teachers through Young Enterprise’s ‘Roaming Teachers’ initiative; and
- $10,000 to provide entrepreneurship education for primary school girls in New Zealand through Girls Mean Business.
The Foundation separates its activities into two areas:
- Charitable activities:
- providing education on entrepreneurship and business growth in tertiary, secondary, primary and related environments;
- conducting research and issuing publications on business growth;
- supporting events, seminars and conferences on business growth; and
- other activities which are beneficial to the community and are charitable in
- The Icehouse Limited:
- A wholly owned subsidiary, whose goal is enabling a thriving New Zealand driven by entrepreneurs and business
The Foundation supports initiatives on a case by case basis depending on resources. Please make contact via email if you have any funding enquiries.
Learn more about The ICE Foundation here.
Applications for funding: enquiries@ICEFoundation.co.nz
Mr David Irving, Chair, The Foundation, +6421987821, david@davidirving.nz
Scott Turner, Secretary, The Foundation +64275799676 s.turner@theicehouse.co.nz