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Consistently prioritising you: Reblog

Consistently prioritising you: Reblog

How can you prioritise yourself in these busy times? This latest reblog from The Icehouse is by Josie Adlam. As well as being an Icehouse coach, Josie is a business strategist and independent director for numerous New Zealand companies. This article first appeared on Josie’s LinkedIn page.

Consistently prioritising you

Good business habits are a bit like New Year’s resolutions – they start off with great intentions but then life jumps in the way. That goal of weekly online research for personal development quickly gets diluted to “when I can fit it in” and becomes monthly, quarterly, and then, Wow – it’s New Year’s again!

Typically, the good business things that fall of the train are ones that we consider are personal – just for us, and not for the job or the business. Things like signing up for a webinar (or even attending one!), re-organising our workspace, taking on a trial of a new productivity tool, sorting out some time for lunch and/or a walk in our work day – no shortage of ideas!!

So we let them drift down the prioritisation hierarchy till they require a telescope to see how far down the list they are. And occasionally, we come up for air from that “more important” work stuff and scroll down the list and give us a bit of time.

Those “us” things are a priority – or we wouldn’t have thought of them! – so how can we build time consistently into our lives to do them? I think we first have to overcome the permission slip barrier to let our seemingly personal priorities to be equally as important as our work stuff. After all, without us being finely tuned, how can we be awesome at achieving that work stuff? You’re worth it! Give yourself some time for you.

Then for consistency, get your good business habits for you personally into your diary routine. Yes, block out space in your diary for something other than a work meeting. And work those device alerts so you don’t forget how important your PD time is. You are the priority in your world and you can make it happen!

Josie became an Icehouse coach in 2011, initially providing essential coaching services to high-growth Owner Manager Programme alumni. With a corporate background working on the executive team at Kiwibank, and industry and lifestage experience with tech start-ups, established services industry organisations and high growth international market expansions, Josie provides best-practice strategies in several critical areas. 

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